Nov. 9, 2022 ICBM mission enters new era with 377 TEG When we think of modernization in the Air Force, we typically think of upgrading fighter and bomber air frames to the latest and greatest of its time. Yet sometimes modernization can take the form of transforming the way we do business.
Aug. 12, 2022 377 ABW leadership “moves the flag” to the 576 FLTS The 377th Air Base Wing command team temporarily relocated, also known as “moving the flag,” to the 576th Flight Test Squadron at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, from August 1-5, 2022.
Nov. 29, 2021 Turning concepts into reality: Innovating a 50-year-old weapon system through test and evaluation In 2020, when Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. challenged Air Force leaders to “accelerate change or lose,” he wasn’t speaking by exception or targeting certain communities. The message was not directed at specific offices known for their innovative approach, like the Air Force’s