April 11, 2023 Wyoming Wanderers; Broadmoor Seven Falls Wyoming Wanderers goes on an adventure to the Broadmoor Seven Falls.
Feb. 2, 2023 Wyoming Wanderers: Soak in some hot springs Wyoming Wanderers takes a stop in Thermopolis, Wyoming and Hot Springs State Park.
Jan. 5, 2023 Wyoming Wanderers; Walking in the Garden of the Gods The Wyoming Wanderers series takes a stop at the Garden of the Gods park in Colorado.
Dec. 1, 2022 Wyoming Wanderers; The Boulder Flatirons Wyoming Wanderers takes a stop in Boulder, Colorado.
Sept. 7, 2022 Wyoming Wanderers: Wandering through history Wyoming Wanderers takes a turn to Scotts Bluff National Monument.
June 27, 2022 Wyoming Wanderers; The climb of a lifetime The Manitou Incline Hike is a location in Colorado Wranglers can go explore.