COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – -- Between Wyoming, Colorado and the other surrounding states, there is no absence of natural beauty. Colorado Springs is no exception, located along to Front Range section of the Rocky Mountains. One of the most scenic sections of the city, and a must-see when visiting the area, is the Garden of the Gods Park.
Garden of the Gods Park received its name in 1859 by a surveyor who came down from Denver to found the town of Colorado City. The surveyor is reported to have said, “Why, it is a fit place for the Gods to assemble. We will call it the Garden of the Gods!”
The 1,367-acre park received its name for the natural beauty of its sedimentary rock formations. The formations were formed as mountains eroded and were buried and as sand dunes moved across the land and seas moved in and receded once again. Millions of years’ worth of gravel, sand and waters were left to form horizontal layers of sediment, until a mountain-building event created the current formations the park is famous for.
I was in awe as I entered the park. I walked the paths that wind in and out of the rocks, staring at the rich colors and details of the formations that photos just do no justice to. I walked a few miles around the park trying to see as much as I could, but with 21 miles of trails in the park I was not able to walk it all.
The park also has other ways for visitors to see and learn about its history, like guided nature walks, self-guided audio tours, trolley tours, segway tours and bike tours. The park also allows visitors to do their own rock climbing and horseback riding, which plenty of people were participating in during my visit.
The Garden of the Gods Park is just another example of the natural beauty I have experienced, and cannot get enough of, in Wyoming and Colorado. I can’t wait to explore more places and share them with you to explore as well.